Welcome to the Salt Spring Island Apple Festival

Apple Festival 2024

Sunday, Sept 29th, 2024

On Salt Spring Island, BC

The 2024 Salt Spring Island (BC) Apple Festival is going to happen.
Sunday, Sept 29th, 2024 from 9 AM to 5 PM. Apple Festival 2024

Let’s look at all the Amazing Things you can Explore at Apple Festival 2024.

Ticket sales will be from 9 AM to 3 PM on Apple Festival Day, outside Fulford Hall and outside the Ganges Info Centre, just as they have been in the past. Adults $10, Students $5, Kids FREE.


1) Fulford Hall ( a Great Place to start your Apple Adventure)

  • The beautiful display of Salt Spring grown apples will take up the centre of the hall. We hope to have over 400 varieties in alphabetic order, but will not know until about 9PM on the evening before.
  • The Pie Ladies will once again be selling apple pies, with a label telling you which Apple Variety is in each pie. A great way for you to do Baking Apple Research.
  • Around the edge of the hall will be Salt Spring Treasures of every sort, even an apple Kefir vendor.
  • We will be selling our 2 new Apple Festival posters, plus the archived ones.

2) About 15 Host Farms will be open that day (So continue on your Apple Adventure)

  • The Beddis Castle is only open to the public on one day a year- Apple Festival Day. We are so lucky to have access to that beautiful space.
  • Tasting of apple varieties grown on Salt Spring (Apple Luscious should have about 80 apple varieties for tasting).
  • Every host orchard will be unique and feature different methods of growing apples.
  • Two cideries will be featuring all their specialties.
  • A new distillery will also be showing their products.
  • As always, Lunches will be offered at various locations, with a new Food Hub, featuring the Woodshed, Francis Bread and the Salt Spring Saucage Co this year. All food vendors take great pleasure in feeding HUNGRY apple lovers.

Cheers and Happy  Apple Grazing.

READ: Twenty of the Best Things about the Salt Spring Apple Festival

Every year we celebrate our apples at

The Salt Spring Island Apple Festival

Summary: The Salt Spring Island Apple Festival is an incredible little community event, attracting about 1500 apple lovers, celebrating the apples (and food) of Salt Spring Island and connecting you with the farms and farmers that produce this very special diversity of tasty, healthy food.  Attendees all become SALT SPRING ISLAND APPLE CONNOISSEURS!

Check out this great video from the 2016 Festival