Twenty of the Best Things about the Salt Spring Apple Festival


Sunday, Sept 29. 2019   is the date of the 2019 Apple Festival




    1. Salt Spring Island, BC grows over 500 apple varieties and at the 2018 Apple Festival, at Fulford Hall, we displayed 430 apple varieties arranged alphabetically, all grown ORGANICALLY on Salt Spring Island. These apples are for display only.  All tasting happens on each HOST farm.  The labels at Fulford Hall will indicate which farm grows each variety, so you should be able to trace down any variety you wish that is on display and go to the farm that grows it.
      To see a photo of each of 430 apple variety in the 2018 Apple Display, use the link below.
    2. You can buy the entire apple collection from Fulford Hall, on Monday, Sept 30 (the day after the Apple Festival), and create your own apple celebration. In 2018, we had 430 apple varieties on display.  We do not know how many varieties will be available this year, until after we set up the display on Sat, Sept 28.  This big apple collection will be sold to the highest bidder in Canada.  We will deliver the collection to Victoria and then the purchaser is responsible for shipping from Victoria.  To support the local growers, who work so hard to collect all these amazing Apple varieties, Apple Festival pays the 5 main growers a total of $1500 each year.   It is our way of saying, A BIG THANK YOU to them for all the work required to grow and collect all these apple varieties.  By selling the collection, we simply are trying to recover some of those funds.   Contact:  Harry Burton at 250-653-2007  or   if you are interested.
    3. Each of the 12 orchards on the self guided tour, offers tasting of the best apples they grow, often around 80 varieties per farm, picked at their prime. Below is an overhead of the Tasting Table at Apple Luscious Organic Orchard, with 65 TASTING varieties, arranged alphabetically, from our 200 varieties.  Track down any desired apple varieties, by noting the coloured  GROWER stickers on the label at the Fulford Hall display.  Website:
    4. The amazing Salt Spring Pie Ladies, who are celebrating their 100th anniversary in 2020, baked 193 apple pies for the 2018 Apple Festival. They identify the apple variety used in each pie, so you can research your favourite baking apple, by eating apple pies.  Here is their Apple Pie variety selection from 2018 at the Fulford Hall.
    5. Enjoy the Best CIDER from 2 great Salt Spring Cideries, Ciderworks and Salt Spring Wild Cider.
      a) From CiderWorks, (at the Salt Spring Apple Company), an all ORGANIC Estate Grown cidery offering (from the left), Firkin, Red Rebel and Serious Cider. Website:
      b) Salt Spring Wild Cider strives to create quality cider using blends from 100-year-old heritage trees, from organic orchards, and from wild apple trees that live in farmers’ fields on Salt Spring Island. Website:
    6. In 2018, thirteen farm had great lunches created by our fabulous Salt Spring chefs. You can eat right on the farm you are visiting.
      Then finish off with delicious desserts also.  A culinary delight.
    7. Your self guided tour of all the 17 farms on the tour, will demonstrate the DIVERSITY and UNIQUENESS of each Apple Festival Venue.  In 1872, Samuel Beddis planted 40 varieties of apples as a survival strategy, on this waterfront homestead.  147 years later, this Beddis Castle (shown below) still has some original apple trees, but now is a manicured waterfront castle, where the deer roam freely all year long, but the public only gets to visit one day a year – on Apple Festival Day.  Note that the photographer below is leaning on an old apple tree.  Thank You, Susan, for opening up your gardens to the public.
      The Apple Festival diversity is profound, including also:

      1. Apple Luscious Organic Orchard, a wild, Certified Organic permaculture orchard with 200+ tasty apple varieties, where chickens roam the whole orchard or
      2. the Salt Spring Apple Company,  taking ‘An Apple a Day’ to a whole new level with 365+ Heritage, Connoisseur and Cider varieties.
    8. This is your chance to learn about Organic Apple Growing directly from the farmers, who will all be at their farm and eager to share knowledge.  You will be exposed to many different concepts and farming methods.   Below is Bob Weeden, who grows 138 Heritage apple varieties on his historical Whims Farm.
    9. You will get to explore rare apple varieties that do not exist anywhere else in Canada, and are being preserved by the Salt Spring growers.
    10. At Apple Luscious Organic Orchard explore about 40 of the best tasting Red Flesh apple varieties in the world.  Harry calls these apples THE APPLES OF THE FUTURE.  The pink colour is due to antioxidants, which give a great sweet-tart taste and are highly sought after by chefs also as they bake up pink, with great flavor.
    11. Even adults can become a Kid for a Day, with an opportunity to get your Face Painted for FREE.  Note the young lady below also has a pink fleshed, Hidden Rose apple.
    12. A great chance to learn all you can about Honey Bees and Orchard Bees, the main pollinators of apple.  Virtually all apples need to be pollinated, so bees and insects are necessary.  Plus, since bees are facing some survival pressures these days, learn how to help optimize their numbers.
    13. Bring in any Unknown Apple and getting it ID’d by our APPLE ID experts, Lori Brakken on the left below,from Seattle and Ann Aylard,  on the right, from Sidney.   If they can’t get all apples ID’d during Apple Festival Day, they will take your unknown apples away in a paper bag (with your contact info written on the bag) as homework and report back to you on the variety name.
    14. Every year, local artists create beautiful posters and artwork for the Apple Festival. All posters below will be for sale, with proceeds going to a local NGO (SOLID) which works in Lesotho, Africa.
      In 2019, we have 3 artists creating 3 totally different Apple Festival posters that will be For Sale at Apple Festival.Below is the AMAZING Briony Penn 2019 Apple Festival PosterIt names about 350 Salt Spring apple varieties (from the list of 430 that were displayed at the 2018 Apple Festival) in the shape of Salt Spring Island.
      All names are in layers, like a tasty baklava dessert. Then there are apple history anecdotes on the border and in the shape of apples.We also have posters coming from Kaleigh Barton and Diana Morris.Each poster will be an amazing work of art, and also as diverse as the Apples of Salt Spring.
      Funds from this Poster sales will be directed to the artist’s choice of charity.
    15. Apple Festival also delights in showing off of our Great Salt Spring artists, such as Amarah Gabriel, shown below, with her beautiful apple paintings…
      …and the late Maud Bridgman, (1868-1943) who painted on Salt Spring in the 1920’s.  We had a beautiful display of about 20 Maud Bridgman watercolours, which formed the backdrop for the apple display at Fulford Hall in 2016.
    16. Disbersements of Apple Festival Funds.
      The Salt Spring Apple Festival always happens on the Sunday of the 4th weekend after Labour Day, (so late Sept or early Oct).   On Apple Festival Sunday, about 1500 apple lovers roam the island, connecting with apples and the apple growers, enjoying fabulous lunches or discovering each of 18 amazing venues open to them.  BLISS and PEACE fill the island.   What a lovely atmosphere fills the island.In the other 364 days of the year, profit from the Apple Festival is spread out, on Salt Spring and around the world helping make the world a better place.  We call theseDisbursements or Apple Ripples.Here are some examples of some Apple Ripples from the Apple Festival 2018 profits that has been redirected to good causes so far.  Total Disbersement to Date:  $11,200A)  COMMUNITY (Local)
      a)  Stainless Steel kitchen upgrade at Beaver Point Hall (shown below)  ($1000)
      b)  Purchase portion of new meat saw at Salt Spring Abattoir ($1000)
      c)  Help repair storm damage at Little Red School House, next to Beaver Point Hall ($1000)
      d)  Rex Welland Memorial Bursary to local high school students   ($1250)B)  COMMUNITY ARTS (Local)
      a)  Commission  a documentary of apple grower, Bob Weeden ($500)
      b)  Donation towards a Book on Ancient Silk Weaving Methods by Karen Selk ($500)C)  PROJECTS AWAY
      a)  La Societe de Marin, Honfleur, France  where we donated some Apple Festival money to their annual Maritime Festival, which blesses the current feet of boats, celebrates their marine history and also remembers those sailors lost at sea.  Honfleur is at the mouth of the Seine River, downstream from Paris.                   ($180)Images of the Festival in Honfleur are available if you do a Google Search for   societe de marin, Honfleur france
      b)  The Lesotho Solar Cooker Project in Africa received a donation of 3 solar cookers, delivered in Feb 2019.                                                                        ($405)
      c)  One of our local travelers even was able to present an earthquake victim in Bali, with $100 from us to help rebuild his house.                                          ($100)
    17. Apple Juice, in the Old Fashioned MethodDuring the Apple Festival you can experience apple juice pressing, in the old fashioned method, where the variety of apple used is known, where you can see the apples being chipped and then watch the press being turned to squeeze out the juice.   You hear it dripping into the container and then you get to taste the real thing.  FRESH PRESSED APPLE JUICE, where you even get to know the apple variety used.

    18.  Attend the Annual Apple Holics Anonymous Meeting (Salt Spring Chapter).In case, you suspect you might be afflicted, here are the dreaded 12 Symptoms.The 12 SYMPTOMS
      1. You have no control over acquisition of fruit trees.  You have an uncontrollable, insatiable urge to always acquire more apple varieties
      2. At times, this ATAS (Apple Tree Acquistion Syndrome) habit has harmed others.
      3. You will buy a apple tree, even if you do not have a space to plant it.  You know you will find a space somewhere.
      4. You spend money you DO NOT HAVE, to purchase a fruit tree.
      5. You will spend money that is designated for necessities, such as food, mortgages or utilities, to buy NEW FRUIT TREES.
      6. You will hide apple tree purchases from your partner.
      7. You are drawn to a large gathering of fruit tree growers in the spring, especially if there is going to be scionwood available. The magnetic forces of many scionwood varieties, is similar to the attraction of party animals to music.
      8. You belong to every apple organization that is possible, such as NAFEX (The North American Fruit Explorers), HOS (Home Orchard Society), SFTS (The Seattle Fruit Tree Society, WCFS (The Western Cascade Fruit Society), CRFG (California Rare Fruit Growers), BCFTA (British Columbia Fruit Tree Association), SFF Southern Fruit Fellowship and MIDFEX (Midwest Fruit Explorers).
      9. If you are planting apple trees, such as those on M111, requiring 16 foot spacing, you will shrink that spacing to 13 feet in order to fit in more trees.
      10. You are never satisfied and are always looking for new apple varieties.
      11. You are constantly tuning up your orchard, by removing some varieties, in order to fit in a new one.
      12. Your favourite excuse for not succeeding is always,  “OH WELL.  I WILL GET THAT RIGHT NEXT YEAR.”NOW JUST RELAX.  No meetings to attend.  Since NO ONE HAS EVER BEEN CURED OF THIS AFFLICTION, we have given up trying to cure anyone.  So just go to Apple Festival, enjoy every apple related experience you can, have a MEETING OF ONE (with yourself), and go on stoking your Apple Habit.
    19. Get Children connected to nature, farming and apples.One of my greatest thrills at the 2018 Apple Festival last year, was to have 2 ten year olds from Salt Spring, come to me at separate times and ask me to pick them some Atalanta Crab apples.  They had been to the tasting table with about 60 apple varieties from Apple Luscious Organic Orchard (Website:, and this small, not pretty crab apple was their best tasting apple.Apple Festival is a great experience for everyone from 2 to 102, but in particular, it is great for KIDS, as shown in the photo below of Kids enjoying the apple display at Fulford Hall.It will connect Kids with apples, growers, nature, farming and food.
      I also have a challenge for Adults.  Let’s see if we can get more adults to get their face painted this year.  Let that KID IN YOU ESCAPE FOR A DAY.
    20. Buy an Apple Tree from a selection of about 500 varieties.

      Two orchards on the Apple Festival Tour sell apple trees on Salt Spring Island.

      a)       The Salt Spring Apple Company sells potted dwarf apple trees of about 325 varieties.

      b)      Apple Luscious Organic Orchard sells semi-standard apple trees, columnar apple trees and INTERSTEM dwarf apple trees of about 200 varieties   Website:


DATE:                  Sunday, Sept 29, 2019TIME:                   9 AM to 5 PM

LOCATION:        Fulford Hall plus 18 venues


TICKETS:            Available on Sunday, Sept 29, 2019 only

BUY TICKETS:   At Fulford Hall or outside Ganges Info Centre.


Harry Burton

The Salt Spring Island Apple Festival Poster now Available

This beautiful poster features 60 of the favourite apple grown on Salt Spring Island, as selected by the growers here.
These apples are all hand painted by Adrienne Aikens, a Victoria watercolour artist, painting while holding the apple in her hand.

All apples are shown at 50% of scale, Posters are $20 each and optimum shipping would be in groups of 10 as that reduces shipping costs to $2 each.

Apple Festival paid the artist $500 to do the poster and then paid for the cost of printing the poster.

We are going to reimburse the Apple Festival only for the cost of printing and then all money will flow to the artist, who indicates that she will direct it to a charity of her choice.

Great News: Internatio​nal Seed Saving- Bursary Awarded to Erin Harper

The Salt Spring Island Apple Festival has awarded Erin Harper a $600 educational bursary to help her on her trip to India.
Not only will she be teaching, but also learning. VERY EXCITING.

We wish Erin lots of luck on her trip and it would be great to see a public presentation when she returns.

Our way of travelling without having to travel.

Just so you know the face, Erin is on the right.

These two Salt Spring growers ARE NOT RELATED, if you can believe that.

2013 Apple Festival – Sunday, Sept 29th

After cancelling the Apple Festival in 2012, due to a weather related crop failure, we are very excited to get it back on track in 2013 on Sunday, Sept 29th

Farmers are energized by the thought of NEXT YEAR.  It keeps them going, planning, thinking, and acting to make this next year better.

The only problem with farming is that all our experiments take 1 year to activate.

Just to let you know the  strategy for setting the date:

  • The Salt Spring Fall Fair is 2 weeks after the Labour Day weekend.
  • The Apple Festival is 2 weeks after the Fall Fair, (this two week gap was designed to give the Pie Ladies a chance to rest up). In 2011, our incredible Pie Ladies baked 420 pies for the Fall Fair (assorted varieties) and then about 140 apple pies (labelled to show which apple varieties were used in each pie) for the Apple Festival.

If you haven’t checked out our new website, please stay and take a look around – you are in for a treat, as there are over 1000 photos just from 2011.  One of these days, we will post some photos from other years.


Nearing the end of this very dry summer, I have noticed that the tree frogs have loved being in our water barrels scattered throughout the orchard. In the photo below, there were 5 in this barrel, and so when I was filling the barrel, they hopped onto this pail that was slowly turning in the barrel. It was like a little revolving island. The barrel is their little oasis of dampness in a very dry orchard. They do prefer, the barrel to be lest than half full, as it gives them more protection and more hiding space. So I try to only fill to half to keep them happy.

From stats, it appears that we have only had 1.5 mm of rain since Aug 1. Very dry. I am still watering my newly planted (in March 2012) 1 year old apple trees, THAT IS NOT NORMAL.

Usually when we hit September, they are on their own, as it is cooling down and also, there is some rain. Apparently Port Alberni, BC, had the highest temperature in Canada today. Amazing.

The People’s Choice Award for Apples 2012

I do not have many apples for sale this week, and so will NOT BE AT Moss St Market tomorrow, Sat Sept. 15th.  I guess I get to sleep in then.

There are just not many early ripening apples ready this week, possibly because early ripening, often means also an early blossom and therefore a much greater chance of it being cool when the early apples need to be pollinated.

So instead I get to be a tourist at our local Fall Fair, which is much loved by all locals and visitors alike.

Too bad you are not there on Sunday at 10:30 AM, as I will be running the People’s Choice Award for Apples.  This is actually searching for the
We get 80 randomly chosen people to taste all the submitted apples and then vote on their favourite top 3.  Each ballot allots points to the apples chosen, and we total the points for all submissions, with the highest total being the winner.
Because this is based on TASTE, this is the most meaningful competition in the FRUIT SECTION of the Fall Fair, because every other competition is BASED ON LOOKS.
There is a great video from the 2010 People’s Choice Award on the home page of my website:
It is a fun filled event.
Here is a photo of the trophy donated by our local health food store, Natureworks.
Apple Luscious Organic Orchard won this trophy last year with SUMMERLAND RED MAC.
Just so you understand my philosophy a little better, I will tell you that in the spring, I dug out that tree that won the trophy last year.  It was not a healthy tree and I am adamant that my trees must be healthy, since they will then produce healthy fruit.
I have grafted up many trees of SUMMERLAND RED MAC in our nursery and I will have it growing in the orchard next spring.  This was a long term decision and I believe that good farmers are making decision that are good in the long term.

The Salt Spring Farm Tour steps into Apple Festival's Shoes....

Salt Spring Farm TourThe famed Apple Festival is cancelled this year! The Salt Spring Farm Tour is stepping in to provide continuity and context, with a self-guided tour of Salt Spring Island’s finest farms and gardens. Saturday, September 29th and Sunday, September 30th, release your inner locovore! Join visitors on an ecological, agricultural, gastronomic odyssey through Salt Spring’s finest farms & gardens. See famed Salt Spring lamb, acreages shaped by permaculture principals, and Apple Luscious Orchard.

A dozen farms and market gardens have planned tours, demonstrations, and family fun: see cheesemaking in action, collect seeds from exotic herbs and perennials, and roam through exquisite vegetable and fruit oases in full bloom. Tickets are $25 for both days, $15 for students: kids under 15 by donation.  Visit to purchase, or visit the Farm Tour booth at the Tuesday Farmers Market. Visitors can also register at ‘the door’ on the day(s) of the tour at the Harbour House Hotel. The Harbour House are sponsoring the tour and will be distributing maps and information for farm tourists throughout the weekend of the 29th and 30th.

Apple Luscious’ own Harry Burton will be featured at the Farm Tour’s Saturday evening event, “Farming as though our lives depended on it: building local resilience & international solidarity”. At Artspring, September 29th, from 7:30 onwards…. Music, poetry & a double-dug discussi on will combine to illuminate the perils and opportunities before us as we move towards a more resilient and vibrant food future. tix 537-2102.

We are going to CANCEL the 2012 Salt Spring Island Apple Festival due to weather related poor apple crops.

We are going to CANCEL the 2012 Salt Spring Island Apple Festival due to weather related poor apple crops.

This is not the type of news that is easy, but in canvassing the main growers of apples on SSI, it is apparent that the crop of apples this year is greatly reduced due not only to that cold, wet, long spring (poor pollination), but also the invasion of tent caterpillars that completely stripped leaves off most apple trees in May and June.

Since we cannot provide the apple extravaganza that people have come to love and expect at our Apple Festival, we are forced CANCEL the 2012 Salt Spring Island Apple Festival.

We had 1500 HAPPY participants in 2011, who loved our apple diversity,  starting with the display of 302 varieties at Fulford Hall, then radiating out to the 16 farms that opened their gates that day.

These happy, apple crazed people make the day a success and we do not want to disappoint them.

To run a mediocre festival, would not do justice to the incredible apple bounty of Salt Spring Island and I believe it would be detrimental to our reputation.  It would be an insult to Salt Spring Island, which we lovingly call, APPLE HEAVEN.

For me, the main organizer, it is such a strange change of pace from Constantly Promoting the Apple Festival to thinking about having to get the word out to all NOT TO COME THIS YEAR.

One thing we can do however, to make you happy, is to show you over 1000 photographs from the incredible Apple Festival we enjoyed  in 2011 on this site

Puppy Love...

Three great iPhotos of new puppies, Minx and Farley, who are kept in the fenced area, near the house, until they stop chasing chickens.  They are getting better!

(click on any image for a large version…)


These small garter snakes love our greenhouse for the heat and the dryness.  Often they mass together, touching each other and entwined amongst each other.  In some of these photos, it take a while to figure out how many snakes there actually are in the photo.  The diversity in colour patterns is so amazing.  They are great slug eaters and so are a valuable addition to the orchard.  Enjoy the sights and diversity in colour of these greenhouse “friends.”

Click on any image below for more snake pictures!