Disbursements of 2011 Apple Festival Proceeds

(Done from Sept 2011 until next Apple Festival, Sept 2012)

1)  Creation of a   facility on Salt Spring.

The next step is to create a juicing facility, hopefully by harvest of 2012

2)  Apples Helping Less Fortunate People in Other Countries.

a)  Seeds For Malawi – $500 towards the education of young women in Malawi, Africa, via local Seeds  For Malawi Group, headed by Susan Evans.

b)  Solar Cookers for Lesotho – $400 to purchase 3 solar cookers for poor women in South Africa.

3)  The Rex Welland Memorial Apple Festival Bursary.

In 2012, the Salt Spring Island Apple Festival awarded 2  Rex Welland Memorial Bursary for $500 each to Una Conradi on the left and Leh Smallshaw in the middle.   Harry Burton (on right), the main organizer of the Apple Festival was delighted to award this bursary to these 2 talented individuals.

Click here to read “In Memory of Rex Welland”



4)  Thank A Salt Springer Awards (This award consisting of 5 cheques of $100 is a way for all 5 of the Apple Festival Organizers to recognize 5 people on Salt Spring who make this island special.  It is a SMALL THANK YOU FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTION.)

a)  BARRY DUNSTER, for all his  great work at managing the Farmer’s Institute.

b)  David McEachern, for all his great work around Ganges.

c)  JAN SLAKOV, for all her endless work as a political activist.

d)  MARSHA GOLDBERG, for all her work at organic growing and seed saving.

e) REG, The Ganges STREET CLEANER, for all his tireless work at keeping Ganges clean and tidy.

5)  Support to Local Artists

a)  $272 – Cindy Jacobsen –for the continued work at the creation and maintenance of the

Apple Festival Channel on Youtube               youtube.com/user/SSIAppleFest/video


b)  $500 – Salt Spring artist biologist,  Briony Penn, is creating a poster,

about Salt Spring apples for the 2012 Apple Festival.


c)  $750 towards the production of a concert DVD for Valdy, our island troubadour, by Sculptor Systems.